Nîşanên çerxê yên xwerû 2 inch paşpirtika çapkirinê stêrkên yekane yên xwerû

For marketing that comes full circle, printed Circle Stickers provide a flexible shape for custom food labeling and packaging, and a distinctive look for retail discounts and promotions. 2" circle stickers are ideal for labels, charity, political ads, academia, crafts, and correspondence. 3" circle stickers are ideal for product labels, packaging, events, retail and weddings. Stickers printed on 8.5" by 11" sheets.

Custom Circle Stickers: Our custom circles stickers are the best round stickers available. Made of thick, durable vinyl, printed full color with a glossy, matte or glitter weather-resistant finish! The quality of our round custom stickers stand out from the competition! Side by side, the other sticker printing companies can't compare to our high-quality materials, advanced printing and cutting technology, and our attention to detail in the final product. Combine this with an unprecedented customer service experience and you'll understand why RENYI is quickly becoming the world's largest custom stickers printer. Round stickers are a very popular and easy to manage sticker shape.

A popular shape that can be used in a variety of ways, our vinyl circle stickers are uniquely manufactured to be both weatherproof and scratch-resistant. Bumpers, water bottles, packaging, laptops ­– They come in small and large sizes and can stick to any smooth surface, so the possible uses are endless!

Details Quick

Materyal: Kaxez, Pirtûka Sentetîkî, Kaxezê pêçandî, PET, Zelal
Karanîn: Çêkerê xwerû
Tîpa: Çêkerê Çêkirî
Taybetmendî: Waterproof, Oil-proof, Heat-resist, Anti-ultraviolet, Eco-friendly
Rêzeya Taybet: Qebûl bikin
Cihê Origin: Çîn (Mainland)
Bikaranîna Pîşesazî: Diyarî & Huner
Bikaranîn: Nîşan
Mezinahî/Logo/peikil: Xweşkirî
Xilaskirina Rûyê: Berf an Matte
Reng: Rengê CMYK & Pantone, Taybetmendî
Forma Karê Hunerî: AI, PDF, CDR, PSD, Photoshop Etc
MOQ: Fermanên Piçûk Qebûl in
Packing: Roll an Sheet
Wextê radestkirinê: 5-7 Rojên Xebatê Piştî Piştrastkirina Karê Hunerî û Bidestxistina Drav
Firotin: Bi Hewa, Derya, Expressa Navneteweyî û hwd
Teknolojiya Çapkirinê: Çapkirina Dîjîtal

Customer circle stickers 2 inch back prinitng custom single stickers custom stickers logo for cut
Kaxezê sifir, kaxezê sentetîkî, PETa zîv a lal, PET -a spî, PET -a zelal, PVC.
CMYK, Rengê Pantone, Rengê tevahî.
Cûrbecûr Bandor
waterproof, hologram, birrîna mirinê, Berxwedana germahiya bilind, zelal, pelika zêr, rakirin û hwd.
Rol, Pelê kesane an Die Cut.
Dema pêkhatinê
Bi gelemperî 5-7 rojên xebatê piştî dravdan û hunerê têne pejirandin.
Ji hêla BOLETO, mastercard, vîzeya, e-Kontrolkirin, PAYLATER, T/T, Yekîtiya Westrurn
Bi hewa, derya, ekspresa navneteweyî, hwd.

Nîşanên çerxa xwerû Nîşanên çerxa xwerû Nîşanên çerxa xwerû Nîşanên çerxa xwerû Nîşanên çerxa xwerû Nîşanên çerxa xwerû Nîşanên çerxa xwerû Nîşanên çerxa xwerû