Lebatên etîketa logoya vinylê ya avgirtî ya çapkirina xwerû, çîçek bişirîn a planka vinyl

Custom weatherproof stickers withstand exposure from rain, snow, sunlight and more. Our weatherproof stickers are printed on premium vinyl with a permanent adhesive and are coated with a protective laminate that makes them durable and resistant to fading, scratching, tearing, and water.

Durable, fade resistant & waterproof

Take your weatherproof stickers on your adventures all year round. From the beach to cold mountains, our stickers will stay with you. Fade resistant for 3 to 5 years, the printing is weatherproof and water-resistant too, so you can safely run your stickers through the dishwasher or use them on your favorite water gear.

Did you know that your BZSticker custom sticker is waterproof?! No kidding! Believe it or not you can pop your sticker on a water bottle or drink glass and wash it with no fuss whatsoever. Pretty nifty, huh? There’s no need for you to worry where your sticker is going to go because even if it gets wet, rained on, is stuck to a wall in a high moisture situation OR even run it through the dishwasher (yep, we said dishwasher!)—we can assure you that your sticker will stay STUCK!

Printed on a special waterproof vinyl that has a protective laminated layer, our stickers are hard wearing and are fade and scratch resistant. These are no ordinary, cheap stickers like those of our silly competitors—they are TOUGH! Want to put your sticker on a snowboard or your boat? Well, go right ahead! Snow or lake water ain’t gonna harm it! Got a boogie board? Go ahead and decorate it! Want to dress up your snow mobile? Go crazy! Don’t be afraid to pop your design on frosty champagne flutes at your wedding, because we can guarantee they will stay stuck while your giddy guests are clinking glasses.

Custom printing waterproof vinyl logo label stickers vinyl plant smile sticker reward stickers for kids
Kaxezê sifir, kaxezê sentetîkî, PETa zîv a lal, PET -a spî, PET -a zelal, PVC.
CMYK, Rengê Pantone, Rengê tevahî.
Cûrbecûr Bandor
waterproof, hologram, birrîna mirinê, Berxwedana germahiya bilind, zelal, pelika zêr, rakirin û hwd.
Rol, Pelê kesane an Die Cut.
Dema pêkhatinê
Bi gelemperî 5-7 rojên xebatê piştî dravdan û hunerê têne pejirandin.
Ji hêla BOLETO, mastercard, vîzeya, e-Kontrolkirin, PAYLATER, T/T, Yekîtiya Westrurn
Bi hewa, derya, ekspresa navneteweyî, hwd.